We believe that the preschool experience should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploration and discovery. We are committed to providing an excellent early childhood education within a loving, Christian environment.
Our goals are
- (1) be a place of Christian growth, proclaiming God’s Word for kindling and nurturing your child’s faith
- (2) provide an educational program that is appropriate to the developmental needs of the children
- (3) serve the mission of the church by providing evangelistic outreach to the children of the community and their parents
We provide an eclectic, theme-based curriculum that strives to encompass all areas of development. We encourage purposeful play in our varied interest areas that include block play, dramatic play, a discovery center, sensory activities, a writing center, toys and games, monthly cooking activities, art activities, computer play, music activities and a variety of large motor games and activities. Our large group time includes sharing and conversation time, singing and dancing, literacy activities and stories from The Beginner’s Bible. We begin and end each class period with a prayer and welcome frequent visits from the pastors at St. John.
The preschool is fully licensed by the Iowa State Department of Human Services. All staff members hold current certificates in Infant, Child and Adult CPR, First Aid and Universal Precautions. We also receive ongoing training in Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse. Iowa Code Section 232.69 requires a preschool employee to report to the Department of Human Services within 24 hours when, in the course of working with a child, he/she has reason to believe that the child has suffered sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect.